S. Høymer - Kolędy na gitarę solo oraz w duecie

S. Høymer - Kolędy na gitarę solo oraz w duecie (1)
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Catalog number: 07/2024

Many years ago, when I was stil studying, I was e couraged to do a Christmas concert for the holidays. I then had to figure out what to play, and how to do it; the melody of most Chrismas carols is very short, and I felt that I can not do a program of tunes that are 30 seconds long. I then decided to try to place the melodies in traditional composing techniques like the theme and variations to stretch it out a bit in time. They have since been changed and revised every year, and I continue to play them every year but as a different version. I never feel that they are quite 100% complete, but they are more and more complete every year. Now after many questions of when they will be published, I finally decided to publish them. That does not mean that I feel the scores are an absolute truth; they are more of a guideline to the performer. I hope these arrangements will make your holidays even more pleasant.


Merry Christmas!
Sondre Høymer





Publisher: Wydawnictwo Cicadis
The year of publishment: 2024
Binding: soft
Format: 225 x 305
Number of pages: 40
Instrument: guitar

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