W. Popielarz - Mozartiana - utwory koncertowe

Catalog number: 04/2022 |
Since the world of guitar knows the cycle of pieces by M. Giuliani entitled „Rossiniana”, following in this footsteps, I wrote Mozartiana. Sounds good, doesn’t it? I am glad that you are interested in another edition of my original compositions. Only in the piece Amadeus written in the form of a potpourri, you will find quotations from well-known works of W.A. Mozart (I hope you will hear echoes of the famous Symphony in G minor and you will find one bar of the „Turkish March”). These are concert pieces (I hope that you are proficient in e.g. playing scales). Listen to even the simplest composition by Mozart, and you’ll understand what it means. The Sonatina for a Birthday, the three-part Sonata in Modo Classico, Amadeus and others, require a Mozartian way of interpretation: play naturally, with elegance, with a noble sound, don’t make things weird. Playing crescendo and diminuendo, do not go to extremes. Use a whole range of interpretative and technical means, show your emotions and at the same time... have fun! Not only my students have found that these are great pieces for a concert, show-off, audition, exam or competition. I have even heard someone say that... they bring good luck. I hope they will soon be in your repertoire. The Spring Sonatina is an interesting piece. It contains programmatic elements. Discovering between the notes the sounds discover between notes the sounds of spring in the treble of birds, the hum of the forest, the sound of the cuckoo or the tapping of the woodpecker, use effects such as: trill, mordent, tambour, glissando, flageolets and a wealth of registers. The contrast is Elegy. Now play it completely differently: in a dignified, prayerful, majestic and mysterious way. This piece commemorates Professor Jan Zygmunt Paterek (1942-2021) from the Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk. He was my Teacher and Friend. We all owe him a lot as he is one of the fathers of guitar playing in Poland. He created first guitar classes after the Second World War. He organised the international festivals „Gdańsk Meetings of Guitarists” and „Gdańsk Methodological Meetings” and presided over the Guitariada Association. He educated hundreds of students, competition winners and artists. He conveyed the profound ideas of Humanism. He had time for everyone for a talk, a good word. He provided support and motivation. He could easily lend his students great sheet music from his private, rich collection and he with a cup of tea and the obligatory sponge cake with chocolate „delicja”. You too, never forget in what soil the roots of your talent grew. Appreciate the schools you graduated from, your teachers and educators, patrons and parents. Consider how much you owe them.
Wojciech Popielarz
Author information: http://leksykonkultury.ceik.eu/index.php/Wojciech_Popielarz
Publisher: | Wydawnictwo Cicadis |
Binding: | hardcover |
Format: | 225 x 305 |
Instrument: | guitar |
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